Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gay marriage should be legal

Living in the USA which is a supposedly free country I find that there are so many things people are deprived of that others take for granted. One of the major ones which has been in the news for years is the same sex marriage battle. Now here the thing, you cant claim that everyone has the same rights and then in another breath say that people can only marry who you deem is right by any particular standard, it's not constitutionally right to do so as through that you deprive someone of the right(not really listed in the bill of rights but voiced in the foundation of this country) to the pursuit of happiness, also on another aspect you cannot dictate laws for or against something based on religious views, sure we will say a good 50% of america is Christian of some sort and sure a big handful of those Christians will think homosexuality is a sin... DUHHHHH, however the 1st ammendment blatantly states that the gov't will not make laws with a given religion in mind, since freedom of religion is a right. So that said lets consider the fact that not everyone is Christian, or even religious for that matter, is it right to uphold those people to religious based laws for every little thing that people of that religion disagree with? Of course not otherwise one religion owns this country much to the same effect of the dark ages in europe, which for the most part is why the people who were here came here in the first place, TO AVOID RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. All this said I think its pretty clear that no laws should dictate who you can marry and sure there will be arguments to this along the lines of "we let gays marry next it's men marrying dogs" thats quite a stretch since dogs CAN'T TALK so they can't consent to the marriage, nor could they really be considered of sound mind since I think it's safe to extrapolate that a dogs general thoughts are "feed me, love me, throw the ball, pet me, are we gonna go outside/for a ride? and of course YOU WERE GONE FOREVER" dont think any of that has marriage in it... just sayin. However you might go so far as to say "next people will be marrying tons of wives in one marriage" well the BIG question there is, is that their religious beliefs? if so than that pretty much ends the debate cus reffer to constitutional ammendment I. Although i say if a man marries 10 wives or 1/woman marries 10 men or 1 they should get the same bennefits or draw backs no matter the amount of wives/husbands. That said for this to even be considered the following 3 criteria MUST be met, 1) Is everyone here of their OWN free will? 2)Is everyone of SOUND MIND? 3) and is everyone of the AGE OF CONSENT? If any of those questions gets a no response than the marriage is a NO GO. We live in a country and an era that follows the 50's with taboo and yet as a country we have only evolved to accept a handful of things thought to be taboo, this is wrong, taboo shouldn't exist, people shouldn't be so wrapped up in what other people do with their lives, whether it's who they have sex with and how, or who what they do in a given day, focus on your own lives and your OWN family and make sure YOUR family does what you think is right and let other people decide the same for THEMSELVES, it's not organizations or religious groups jobs to decide whats good for people, nor is it their duty to nanny the nation. Peace of the lord be with all of you in the world, no matter who you call him/her/them.

Now if you have something intelligent to say please feel free to comment

A piece of my mind

           So while I been sitting here all day sort of contemplating my life I came to this thought of how hard it seems to be for me to get anywhere in life. I find that alot of the root of this issue has alot to do with a lack of employment in my life ever since I came out 6 years ago as a transsexual. Though one might easily say that I could just change back to normal and get a job like any normal american but there lies the big issue, me hiding the true me to make others happy all the while being so miserable I just wouldn't be able to take it anymore. What's more if you really think about it, it's not really my issue that is holding me back, it's other peoples issue with what I am that is. If people would consider the constitution and civil rights act they would realize that what they are doing is criminal, in fact the only reason they get away with it is because they cover their butts by making some comment that is only a half lie and exclude the part that says "I don't want to hire you cus i dont like what you are" or quite possibly "I don't want to hire you because my beliefs dictate I cant offer you even the slightest help in your life." What people dont seem to realize is that they are doing the exact opposite of what Christ would want them to do, how can you condemn someone just by looking at them and not liking what they are? Isn't that the sin of casting judgment? Should we not all be doing what we can to help others? And I think even if you are not a Christian of some form or other you can atleast agree that all of us being willing to help one another is a good trait to embody no? It just kills me inside to think of how a person can evoke in themselves such a strong negative emotion as pure hate for someone simply because they are different, without even knowing them or the beauty that resides inside them. If you ask me I say society has no moral values anymore