Thursday, December 20, 2012

Human rights

           What are human rights? Well that really depends who you ask to be honest, but I will offer some food for thought. As far as America is concerned those human rights are laid out in the Constitution and Bill of rights. And those are solid rights for legal citizens of the United States of America. That said I call upon you all who read this to consider something here. Let’s consider for a moment we are questioning someone’s right to be a teacher for a living(under the concept of right to pursuit of happiness) Now let’s say that they are a “normal” straight white male, well there would be absolutely no opposition to that persons position as a teacher would there? And that is their right to pursue that is it not? Well of course, now let’s mix things up a bit, let’s say a Tran’s woman applies to be a teacher at the same school, I would suggest that a majority of Americans would be up in arms over this. Things like “they most certainly do not have the right to be in schools” and “how can we let this happen?” but wait, when did a person’s status become a way to tell them they don’t have the right? If the so called “normal” white male has this right shouldn’t other people as well who may be different in whatever way? I do agree there are circumstances where one can call into question if said individual should be allowed to teach, take for example if said white male had a criminal record of having committed sex crimes on children, should they really be allowed to be a teacher in a school with children? I would suggest they shouldn’t that would have the same effect as an active pill addict working as a pharmacist. These things would set these people up for failure.
             Let’s be reasonable though, a trans person is NOT directly linked to pedophilia nor rape, there are no common cases with enough of a percentage of the trans population being a pedophile to even say that a majority is, are trans people immune to being pedophiles? Murderers? Rapists? I would say not as they have the same probability as a straight person does of being so but that does not instantly say that they are by association. So this said what is the real factor behind people’s instant dislike of a Trans person being a teacher? Well… prejudice to be honest, people choose to not like a particular type of person not based on their character or record of being a good human being, but on the basis that they are different in a given way. Back before the civil rights movement black Americans were not allowed to be in certain places, work in certain fields or places of employment, but they were allowed to stay with their own kind. Morally wrong to force this? YES!!! So what actually makes this different from what is happening to the LGBTQ people today? Well on a basic level nothing really, we have a group of people struggling to be able to pursue their dreams and a group of people opposing them at every front they can. Sure we can argue that well race is a physical characteristic that people see right away and being gay isn’t but let’s be real; a Trans person can’t encounter someone without that person being able to tell unless they absolutely pass 100% as their preferred gender. Which I might add is rather difficult and expensive to achieve, not to mention that someone will inevitably find Waldo in the crowd(congratulations you won the biggest douche in the world award) so to be honest being trans is as easily noticeable as being Black or Asian. The not in my back yard breeds a new version of segregation where it’s ok to be gay/lesbian/trans as long as you keep yourself away from my life and my family, well here in lies the problem with this concept, you infringe on the LGBTQ persons rights by telling them what they can and can’t do and where they can and can’t do it. You stipulate what rights you think they have as opposed to the constitutional rights that they do actually have whether you think they should or not is irrelevant. Now a lot of the argument to this is biblically based, you believe that way that is fine, but it’s at the point of forcing laws to be created based on your belief to infringe upon someone’s rights that your rights end. Hate to burst your bubble but to illegalize homosexuality and transsexuality based on religious beliefs is against the constitution as per the 1st amendment of the constitution.

Amendment I

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

               For this debate I offer that making certain things you don’t like illegal based on religious beliefs opens the door for every religion to do so, next thing you know within the concept of fairness and equality if homosexuality was outlawed for the sake of Christians, than any religions can impose their rules on others. But we don’t think of this because Christians find their beliefs to be more important than other peoples beliefs because well “it’s my belief that you are wrong.” So where do we draw the line? And let’s say for instance you are arguing with an atheist homosexual, of what consequence is it to them if you think they are sinning? I would suggest none and after you have expressed your opinions on said sin, if they continue to disagree isn’t it a waste of breath to keep at them? After all they think you are nuts for even believing in God in the first place so they aren’t going to believe a word you say, but let’s offer the concept here that we are talking about implementing laws based on Christian beliefs, is it constitutionally right to force someone who doesn’t believe in your God to adhere to laws based from that in all facets of their lives? I would say no, and our founding fathers laid out a set of laws they thought were the best possible scenario for all people in America to enjoy their lives and not have their lives forcibly infringed on by others.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Transsexuals attacked yet again

What is wrong with people in this world? why have we not evolved in our thinking beyond the dark ages? the earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun but ignorance attacked that and science prevailed, we would never have gotten out of the dark ages if people would have continued to think that everything is as people before them perveived. Today we have the LGBT battle for acceptance and people refuse yet again to believe that the evidence presented before them is fact so they refute it with slanderous statements and discriminatory slurs, everytime someone who is different shows up people will bash and otherwise do anything in their power to destroy the different person be it by verbal or physical violence. I feel I give humanity too much credit for having the brain capacity to understand complex things, and very few people seem to possess this ability. Humans seem to be primarely stuck in the "be like me or else you will suffer" mentality and cant get past the black and white world they themselves have created as their perceived reality, I for one hope the world changes this year with the possibilites that may come for us after 2012(if there is anything that will happen). I hope the world as we know it ceases to exist and we as humanity evolve into greater beings with a better understanding of the world around us.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

the battle

So the battle rages on in America the so called land of the free, and yet I notice that there are still states in the union that DO NOT have protections for discrimination for LGBT members, Ohio being one of them, how is this right? How can any given state be allowed to treat a group of individuals wrongly simply because its not in their state law? YOU CAN'T it's unconstitutional to do so. I am particularly offended by this, it is not right to throw someone out of their home and onto the street, fire them from the job they have held with you or deny them the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY at getting that job, simply on the grounds they are different than you. This is done NOT because they have a bad rent/mortgage history, not because they have done poorly on the job, not because their previous work history is bad, but because they are Gay/Lesbian/Bi, Trans, Black, Arabic, Hispanic, etc and has been the practice of this nation ever since the beginning of its creation, a certain group known as the straight white male were for the longest time considered to be the only one who mattered in this country everyone else was inconsequential, yes even women were excluded and had rather miserable lives if they didn't have a straight white male taking care of them. This IS WRONG.

If you disagree with any of these statements, simply put you are a self righteous bigot, don't like being called that? Stop being one, it's a fact if you think it is right to take things away from people simply because they are different in any given way you ARE discriminating period. There is NO such thing as superior gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, etc. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is entitled to that opinion, but what you are NOT entitled to is to use that opinion to oppress someone who doesn't fit into that opinion, in short I AM a trans woman and I HAVE the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in whatever way I deem correct as long as it does not PHYSICALLY harm someone or PHYSICALLY deprive someone of things they have earned or their own rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, if you don't like that than F off because you WILL NOT take those rights away from me. It is my body and my life and I WILL live it according to how I FEEL is right not you, you don't get to decide that for me or anyone else in this country, and I could give a crap less how you justify your views on your ideal that you can deprive me of things and choose what is right for me you DO NOT have that right! For those who agree with me it is time now to stand up, simply saying you support equality and not doing anything about it WILL NO LONGER CUT IT, if we want these liberties for people we have to stand up now and stand up firm, we WILL NOT go away, we WILL NOT be silenced, give us our rights or we WILL fight until we get them.