Monday, July 21, 2014

What I believe feminism to mean

            You know I keep hearing this phrase in counter to feminism. "there are differences between men and women and it is irresponsible to refuse to accept that" as if they are saying that feminism somehow ignores the differences between the sexes. The truth is we feminist are fully aware of the differences that exist, however biology does not equal destiny. Just because some women are vastly different then some men, and others are only different in a few minor ways; this does not equal that anyone should have some right to tell every woman that she can't _________ and the same goes for telling every man that he can't ________.

          The fact is people can do whatever is within their capacity and interest to do and nobody can really define that for them as they cannot look at someone else's life objectively. Having said this Feminism is not a strict movement of opposition to people choosing to accept traditional gender/sex roles for themselves, feminism is about the fact that it is a choice to make that has no negative view for doing so just as much as it is of no negative view to be a career person. So as to say that a woman can either choose to be a house spouse or she can choose to be a bread winner or co bread winner. And the same goes for men, if they want to be a house spouse and let their wives be the bread winner than that should be equally acceptable too.

          The whole basis of the movement is allowing everyone the freedom to choose what feels best for them as the path for their lives without people attacking them for their choice or putting barriers up to prevent that from being an option for one to make. I wish that people like Pat Robertson and others like them such as the women against feminism movement would take the time to consider that.

          Ideally they would be fully accepted as having the choice to be in the lifestyle they choose without negative feelings towards them but it is wrong to force others to live by what works for you. The be like me complex in this nation/world needs to go away for us to have any form of a peaceful and functional society of human beings. And that is what feminism means to me like it or not.

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